Saturday, October 1, 2011

STI - The Week In Review

With so much negative sentiments and with new wave of sellers emerging, the scene gets poignant. Just when the public thought the 71points breakout in STI on Tuesday was the start of a upwave, the BBs then marched in and maneuvered a confusion to cause perplexity in the market environment. The reason for this was to annihilate as much public excitement as possible then create a condition to cause traders and investors to depress at a later stage. They had successfully unleashed a series of carefully planned campaign for ammunition to the public. It was a cinch to them. With that in mind, I have a strong feeling a rampant bear is imminent.

This is the kind of market in which not even a skunk could make a scent. One needs to be equipped with tools, plan and knowledge to be profitable. With an allegiance of fans I have within the blog space, I am giving a free trading plan for next week. Interested parties can email me.

Ronald K