Friday, March 9, 2012

Ezion - Out

I am out on all my Ezion. It wasn't the best trade for me. The BBs in the stock is very cunning and their actions are pretty deceptive. However, no matter how deceptive it is, I will not be a bait to them. Look at my screen captured, I expect Ezion to reach at least go 94 cents, but it did not. I was too concerned on that 94 cents and got out at a lousy price. No matter how experience am I, I am still a human and still commit the same mistakes when I said don't stick any price levels in my last seminar. Although I still made some money, but lesson learnt again, learn to be flexible.

I don't care how high Ezion trends higher later, at least I am not going through reactions now and my mental state of mind is clear. I am done for the day and am going to relax and chill. Who knows at the later part of the day, I am still into action? I shall decide.

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator