Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Raffles Education - Hysteria Breakout

September 10th, a student of mine emailed me about Raffles Education. September 11th morning, I replied her it was not the time yet and after that I totally forget about it. Today it brokeout hysterically! I was too engrossed on my Midas and totally forgotten about this counter. Well, I still feel happy for my student because she got it right before the breakout and learned a very valuable skill for the rest of her life which no one can take away from her. In my stock operation course, there was a section where I teach students to spot stocks before the breakout which I think is very simple and easy to learn, so for those who are interested, you can let me know. If she can do, I don't think anyone can't.

In my upcoming seminar this Saturday, for those who open a CityIndex account, I shall share with you one stock that I think would be good for punting with low risk (pray hard it doesn't take issue yet). I will also engage in a 1 on 1 conversation and share some stuff with you.

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator