Monday, December 11, 2017

Wilmar Intl - Locked in Intraday Profits

So happy to see my students go long on Wilmar today and made $$ out of intraday trades which is very good considered I just taught him the skills over the weekend. Longed at day low and Wilmar moved 5 pips today from 3.11 to 3.16 today. Over the weekend, I not only shared about Wilmar, I shared many other counters like SembCorp Ind too where he profited from it. The market is now buoyant because of the banks and they ran quite a fair bit today. However to pick tradeable intraday counters requires skill and experienced or you will suffer sell down like Kepcorp, Cosco, Cityneon and many others.

I am happy that I picked Midas at the bottom and shared with everyone and I am also pleased that the stocks I hand picked in front of 40 students over the weekend where they took pictures, managed to see some profitable movements where the big boys bought in with big volume. I will soon take a break and stop watching market. Congrats to everyone who went long.

Eventbrite - Interactive Free Dinner Session with Ronald K

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist